I was tagged by Charlotte from At Home in Scottsdale for a meme. Here are the rules. In 8 facts about yourself, you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. Then at the end you tag at least 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going. So here it is:
1. I love Carriage rides. All our married life, whenever my husband and I go someplace to visit, if there is a carriage ride, we take it.
2. I am an only child. Not one bit spoiled! Hmmm, I did mention that I am Queen though....
3. I worked as a legal secretary for the government for many years until I became ill.
4. I took Hula lessons in Hawaii and performed on a ship program! This was a life's highlight!
5. I have NEVER met anyone famous. My choices would be, if any of you have connections....Oprah and Richard Gere.
6. My favorite color is orange. I have nothing decorated in orange in my home, nor do I wear orange. But I love that color.
7. I loved the Monkees. Peter Tork was my favorite. My husband just gave me at Christmas their complete albums on CD.
8. I love puppy breath. I love puppies. I just wish they came teethed and potty trained.
Well, I hope I haven't lost any of you from my strangeness! Anyways....I will tag
1. Mimi's Garden
2. A Hint of Home
3. Blue Bird and Roses
4. Life at Cedar Hill
I will leave the other 4 for anyone who would like to participate. Sorry, I also don't know yet how to put the Link in my post, but they are in my favorites list.