Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do you Like Tape?

This past Christmas I asked my husband to pick me up a roll of S*otch Tape.  I had one, but I wanted to BE SURE I had enough for all those packages to wrap.

I told you that we have been cleaning the boxes in the garage.  Giving the kids all their school things, putting pictures all together, YOU KNOW, organizing!

Now, I consider myself fairly organized.  If you ask for a safety pin....I know where they are.  All my sewing thread is in the sewing box...(if I used it last!)....wellllllll......

I found another roll of tape.

Oh, I should put this with the other two, so I have them together.....

Oh lookie, I found a roll for our dispenser....we are good with tape for next year!

So anyways....I just thought I would let you far as tape is concerned...

I'm Good!

21 rolls of tape ......So far!!!!

Shamefully linking to Show Off Your Cottage Monday....  cuz, it is organizing in my house!! I hope Cielo agrees!! 


Richard Cottrell said...

Now if you just don't forget where you put it. Richard from My old Historic House.

mrstuxtattoo said...

better to have plenty than none at all! LOL

Susan said...

Ceekay, this is too funny! I bet if I started really looking, I would find repeats of lots of stuff! I took four sets of measuring cups to Goodwill the other day. I still have two left......LOL

Stacey said...

That's hilarious! I'm like that with green beans and corn.

Terra said...

Oh Ceekay, that is too cute. You are set for tape for how many years now?

Cyn said...

I am SO glad I am not the only one!!!!!!!!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Too funny Ceekay!! Tape don't last long in my house with the kids. I go to grab a piece and there is none left UGH!!

NanaDiana said...

OMGOSH- I am sure you had a male and female that have been breeding! Surely, you didn't buy all that tape?;>) xo Diana

ps...don't let your pens sleep together either-they mulitply even faster than tape!

Adrienne said...

You make me SO good. Thought I was the only one who does that!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh CK, this is way toooooo funny. Ok, If I need tape I know where to go. Hugs, marty

Old Time Cindy said...

Funny! Made me laugh out loud!

Blondie's Journal said...

You are so cute! I do this with a lot of my spices!


Vee said...

Oh this makes me laugh. I always think of the billions of dollars that folks spend replacing what can not be found. It reminds me to clean the house and get organized!

farmhouse-story said...

too funny! i can never find my tape when i need it!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Hey, do you have a roll of tape I could borrow LOL! I am laughing out loud!


acorn hollow said...

you sound like me only my recent was ice cream. I kept thinking my husband was on his last carton. Last count we had 3 cartons ready to go.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I'm sure if I started cleaning out and organizing, I'd find multiple rolls of tape too. Maybe not 21 rolls though! LOL. laurie

Heirloom treasures said...

that is so funny Ceeky. I know where to come when I run out.
It's a good feeling to get Oganized, that's almost the title of my book. How to Organize your Home in Seven Easy Steps,a little book for working mums
xx jeanetteann

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

OMG, Ceekay! LOL! I think you are set for tape for the year! That happens to me, too, especially with tape. I know I've got it, I just don't know where I put it! That's why I like to have it in a couple of rooms in the house.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Too funny Ceekay! You've really got one up on me girl, I have only two. I guess if I run out I know where to go. lol!

A Hint of Home said...

You've got to be kidding! Who's been hiding them? Or Is senility setting in? lol Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ceekay this is so funny!! It sounds just like me!!! Looks like you are making a dent in getting organized!!!

bee blessed

Unknown said...

Hi CeeKay,
This sounds like our house...except aropund here it's pens! Cute post:-)

Unknown said...

LOL! Now THAT sounds like me! :)


Melody said...


Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hello Ceekay~ It's always nice stopping by for a visit. I've got such a chuckle from seeing your plethora of tapes, cause I just filled (crammed) my *junk* drawer with so many rolls I wasn't sure I was gonna get it closed. ;-D

I enjoy your posts and the eye candy you so generously share. Your lovely winter tablescape made me appreciate the beauty winter offers in spite of it's chill.

I've hope you can stop by to see the Valentine surprise I've got in stored. Starting with...Pain au Chocolat. I'll put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea.

Sweet wishes,

Sweet Meanderings said...

I've always said we should put our money in scotch tape! Maybe we'd be making money on our investments instead of losing them with you around!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you should have enough for several years....
Mama Bear

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