Thursday, July 31, 2008

Friday Show and Tell - Kitchen cupboard display

For Show and Tell at Kelli's, I decided to finish showing above my kitchen cupboards. Please remember I am vertically challenged. These pictures were taken on a 2 step stepstool and I still had to look up! The above picture is of my Fiesta ware pitcher, child's pitcher and platter. The chair with teddy bear is not old and doesn't do it justice, but best I could do. The cup was my baby cup.

There it is, my one and only kitchen rooster! Behind it is an old Coke crate. The bench is an old milking bench, hence the milk bottle and creamer cow, that was my mom's. The jar in front is an old blue mason jar. Next to it is an old scale...story time!!! Another auction. They had probably 30 different scales. We won the choice lot. Now remember we were poorer back in those days, so I think for $5.00 each we took 2, this one and another I have for another day. Anyways, WHY didn't we take them all? We could have sold them for more than $5.00. Well, the answer, we didn't have the extra money...but oh my....shoulda, woulda, coulda!!!
I love rolling pins and no, I have never used them as a weapon!..the Baskets are on top of the fridge and the egg scale, well, it is just too cute!
Yah, I like old tins too! The cracker one was my mom's. The coffee ones, were my grandpa's. He had old nails and stuff in the garage in them. The Whiz soap actually goes with my grandpa's shaving mug items, but it looks better here. The rest I got at garage sales or something. The cracker tin is full of old style cookie cutters that were my mom's!

Oh, I love this picture! The mixer...found in 2 separate garage sales...that was a squealing day!...I lived in Michigan where Borden's milk was made and the cookie jar is my grandma's! And yes, it has the lid! See the sign above? My Uncle Ray made this in High School. It hung for years in my Grandparent's kitchen. It has to be around 60 years old or so. Just to the right you see a portion of a blue cabinet. My aunt Barb bought this for me for my birthday one year. It was in my Blue Country days. But I won't part with it for anything.

Whew...hope I didn't wear you out!

The question is always do you keep it clean? I use a long handled swiffer occasionally to get any cobwebs and dust....once a year a dear friend comes over and she hands me each item, I wash it, and it goes back up. I never take it all down at once...I was lucky to get it all up there the first time! I am sure there is some dust up there, but when you come over, if you really need to, you can get the ladder and do the white glove test! Just keep it between you and me!!!!


Charlotte said...

Neat/cool stuff. I have a cracker box like that which we have used for years. I love it. I really like your Marshmallow tin.

Kathy said...

Oh, you have the cutest things and you know just how to put them together for the perfect effect! I love everthing you have on your cabinets, the chair, the baby cup,
all of it!
XOXO Kathy

Missy Wertz said...

Nice collection. q

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Aren't kitchens wonderful? what precious things you have shared, it's almost as good as a visit to an antique shop. I had a wonderful time, thank you for sharing :).

Have a Fantastic Friday!
Kathi :)

Linda said...

What wonderful pieces you have...I enjoyed seeing your collectibles. Linda

Lisa Cobler said...

Love your kitchen ! I wish my cabinets weren't all the way to the ceiling.

The Berry's Patch said...

You have some neat treasures. And what a perfect area to display them. I just love that you have your baby cup.

Brandee :-)

Pink Slippers said...

Hi first time visiting. I love your show and tell. Everything looks very warm and cute. You displayed the antiques and things really great. The cleaning though I know it is a job. I have over the cabinet decorating to. Bye for now.

Anonymous said...

Those are such neat things, and you have them all arranged so nicely! I love that you have your uncle's sign that he made.

No, I wouldn't be looking for the dust if I came over. I'd want to do unto others as I'd want them to do unto me. :-)

Anne Fannie said...

I enjoyed very much looking on top of your cupboards! I just love all your stuff! My kitchen is done in roosters so the rooster is my favorite!
Love, Ann

Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing the treasures displayed in your kitchen. I would love to have display space like that. As it is, I must use the back half of the counters for display and storage.

Hootin Anni said...

It's like walking into a General Mercantile store of Laura Inglas times ---I love the rooster. This is great.

My Show n Tell is now posted. Hope you can stop by for a visit. Have a glorious Friday.

Mary said...

You have some wonderful vintage items in your kitchen. I'm wanting to do my kitchen over, but must finish the upstairs apartment first.

I love the tins and Grandpa used those old coffee tins to store nails and screws in. They sure came in handy back then.

Thanks for a great trip down Memory Lane.


Happy@Home said...

I loved this peek at the rest of your kitchen cupboard tops. Such neat things you have and interesting stories to go along with them. I really like the egg scale.

No danger of me bringing my white gloves if I came to visit.

Have a great weekend,

A Hint of Home said...

All your things have great memories to them. I have the same cookie jar that was my grandmother's. (it has the lid, too).

Simply Heart And Home said...

You have gone ABOVE and beyond the call of duty in decorating. All your high treasures are so sweet. Good idea to clean them throughout the year rather than all at once. That would be overwhelming. Thank you for sharing!


Marion said...

What a wonderful show and tell!! You have such unique items!
Thank you for sharing!!

Patty H. said...

I love seeing the corners of your home.
I have not idea how to "keep" them clean. They collect so much dust don't they?

Anonymous said...


Your kitchen is filled with so many interesting things. Mine look absolutely dull in comparison. I love looking at your different knick knacks.

Anonymous said...

You have really awesome collectibles. Dust is just part of the price you pay for having them. My post last week proved that to me. I had to dust the shelf I showed as it was awful!

Susan said...

Really neat things. I agree, once a year for a through cleaning is enough for those very high places.

I have to laugh, the word verification for me on this is fkdust!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my journal. Love your collection especially the baby cup, watch for next Friday as I have just remembered I have one in a cupboard.

Carla said...

oh, you have one of those wonderful homes that one can just stroll through and remember times past!
I love it! Thanks for sharing!

Jill said...

Cute...I love your above the cabinets display! Especially your green scale, that is super!

Sondra said...

Cool stuff. I love the old tins. I have a bunch of those too and some old tin bread boxes.

Anonymous said...

I love all of the items you have displayed! I will definitely be back to visit! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love all your little things above your cabinets! I do love old vintage things. Now I can't wait for you to take your pic in a bathroom mirror for me. Make sure you let me know!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Very neat. I just started collection vintage kitchen items. I like how you have it all displayed. xoxo, Joanna

Tammy said...

I so love things like this! I have a couple items but my mom has even fact, I think she has that same cracker tin!
I love how you've displayed it all, too!

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Hi Ceekay!
You have a wonderful collection of kitchen collectables--meaningful too! And you have them arranged so nicely--I really enjoyed seening your kitchen "tops". Yes, it is a never ending battle keeping our collections clean--I guess we have to remember that the dust bothers us the most!
Thanks for sharing and Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

quilt'n-mama said...

thanks for sharing, I love the little space above cabinets to decorate (though our current home doesn't have any :(

It all fit beautiful!
Have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for stopping by Sunbonnet Cottage to visit.

It's nice to meet you.

By the way, I adore your blog. It's lovely.

You sound like a fascinating person. I hope I get to know you better.

Sunbonnet Cottage

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Such awesome stuff! This brought back memories... my mom collects tins too, and we had that cracker one!
I also have my grandma's apple cookie jar, mine is green!
Neat post!

Anonymous said...

I just love your goodies! Aren't those swiffers the neatest things? I figure if I can't see the dust probably no one else can either. Im a shorty. :-) I have my great grandmother's milking stool she milked on. I just love it. It looks just like yours. Mine folds up.
Enjoying your show and tells.

cherished*vintage said...

Love your kitchen stuff! Thanks so much for the two tours. I love your old tins, especially the marshmallow one! What neat stuff with wonderful memories too.

So did you find a dress form while shopping? :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ceekay! Thanks for coming by and I hope Blogland will be fixed soon!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

You did a great job on your kitchen display...Love it...
Mo :-)

Picket said...

Hello friend..thanks so much for coming by...I love all your stuff..I too have alot of country things above my cabinets and I have a huge collection of tin cans! I love seeing pretty eyecandy everywhere! lol hope you are having a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Your kitchen should be in a magazine. I also have an old tin saltine canister. We throw our spare change in it. :)

Kelli said...

Your kitchen treasures are so cute...I love them! The baby cup is so sweet and the rooster looks right at home up there! Great show and tell!

Dawn said...

I would love to see it all at once - you have so much space to put some neat things.

My mom had a cookie jar exactly like that.

Thanks for coming by my S&T!

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