Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pay It Forward!

Pay It Forward is now closed. Thank you Alex for participating! I am sorry that more of you were not able to do this at this time, but maybe in the future.
In reading my friend Kathy's blog, I came across an interesting and fun project! What interested me about this fun giveaway is that no one is chosen by draw. Anyone who wishes to be a part of it and responds quickly, can be! It's kind of a nice way to pass along the fun of getting a surprise yourself and then having the joy of sending one along to someone else. I thought it sounded like fun. I hope after reading about it you will be interested as well! I would love to send some of you something special!

This is how it works: To the first 3 interested bloggers who respond that they would like to be a part of this, I will be sending something to each of them. You MUST leave me a comment on this post to let me know you are interested in joining. I responded to Kathy's post at Mimi's Garden. Now I hope you will respond to my post! The first 3 who respond to me on this post, promise to pass it along and"Pay It Forward" with their gifts to their first three commenters who respond to their post...and on and on it goes.
Your gift can be anything you've made, bought, found or were given. Keeping in mind that it might be something you would like to receive. Also, if you want to join the fun but are not my first 3 commenters...PLEASE leave a comment on this post and then copy/paste this information about the giveaway on your blog. Then send something to the first 3 bloggers who sign up on your post. Who Wants to join in the FUN and To Pay It Forward?

1 comment:

Unknown said... nice of you to visit my blog and join in my PayItForward. I'd love to have you be in on mine. So..if you'd leave me you address via my email..I will be getting my goodies out hopefully today or tomorrow!

PS...I too do a lot of napping after a good Sunday Sermom, Dinner and resting on the Sabboth! The best way to spend a day!

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