Thursday, August 14, 2008

Show and Tell - Master Bathroom

I realized when I posted the slide show of our home, that I forgot the pictures of our master bathroom. So, I will show you them today for Show and Tell at No Place Like Home. I just love this big block window and my burnt red wall. The colors coordinate with the Master bedroom.
This shelf is so nice to put some bathroom things on so I have some pretties to look at while soaking!
It is a big garden tub and it is next to a walk in shower. We so wanted them separated to make it easier as we "age". You know, like FINE WINE!!
You would have laughed at me trying to get the picture of the sink area and not be in the picture!! Sorry Sheila, I just haven't got there YET!

Don't forget to swing by my friend Kathy. We have a challenge going this coming Tuesday for our 10 favorite songs. I will be away, but I will post ahead to take part.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will be busy looking for Elvis, sharing a GIANT strawberry shortcake with hubby and shopping at M&M store! So many little time!


Kathy said...

Greaaaaat bathroom! I just didn't remember your big old block window - REALLY love that! It's ok though, I hardly remember my name. You are a master of details, my friend! Loves it!
XOXO Kathy

P.S. Looking forward to your top ten song list on Tuesday!

Tammy said...

Wonderful bathroom!
A happy anniversary to you and your husband- and have a great time in Los Vegas!

cherry said...

Very pretty! I love the window. Thanks for coming by and visiting me. cherry

Anonymous said...

I love the red wall, great bathroom.

Unknown said...

I love that deep colour on the wall. I too hate to be in photos, well done for managing to not be in that one!

Thanks for sharing.

Hootin Anni said...

Fabulous!!!!!! Love the brass candleholders on the garden tub! wow.

And the color combination you chose is perfect.

My show n tell is a bit of my own pencil sketches this week. Stop by if you can...and, have a super weekend.

PS ---enjoy your anniversary.

A Hint of Home said...

Beautiful job decorating. Love the accessories around the tub.

Unknown said...

Your bathroom is great. I love those big block windows that are in the newer houses. I thought about having one put in my house!

Missy Wertz said...

We will hopefully be redoing our MB this winter. I love yours. Looks great!

Anonymous said...

I like your red wall too. I like the idea of separate showers. Alas, our new house doesn't have one. I clicked on the photo to see what you had done with the little plate stand. That was a neat idea.
I'm thinking about doing the song thing. Sounds interesting.
Enjoy your trip and Happy Anniversary. You probably won't find Elvis there, haven't you heard, he's still "Walking in Memphis". I love that song.

Mama Bear

Needled Mom said...

I love the block window. The red wall is a great color for warmth in the room.

Have a wonderful anniversary weekend.

GranthamLynn said...

Beautiful bathroom. And I like the shelf too. I love to relax in the tub too! Do you have jets.
Man I miss jets!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a Blessed Weekend.

Anonymous said...
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Charlotte said...

Gorgeous bathroom. Your light fixtures look just like ours except our globes face down. We had the old Hollywood dressing room style lights when the house was new. I was really glad to replace them.

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful bathroom and it looks so relaxing. I especially like the block windows with the red trim.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ceekay,

What a lovely bathroom! I love what you have done with it!

Carrie said...

Your bathroom is a beautiful and pleasant place.

Amanda said...

Very nice! Much nicer than ours!

Schotzy said...

I love your bathroom ! So romantic!! Btw, I posted about my wedding dress following your sweet comment.! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely bathroom! Just gorgeous.

Lisa Cobler said...

I love your bathroom. Happy Anniversary! Our 20th is on 8-20-08!

Anonymous said...

I want a bathroom like that waawwaaaa! Never had a big bathroom, so I am sure it's pure heaven to use.
Thanks for swinging by my blog and leaving a comment. Good luck!

Shannon said...

Happy Anniversary!!

I love your master bath! Especially the plate rack in the middle of the vanity! So pretty!

Wanita said...

Your bathroom is so pretty. I love the block window and the color of the wall.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Nancy Rosalina said...

I am loving that 3 tierd stand, what a good idea!! Nancy

Carla said...

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

La Tea Dah said...

ceejay --- your bathroom is beautiful! I especially LOVE your glass block window! You have YUMMY tastes!


Julie said...

Beautiful. I would LOVE a master bathroom. Right now we share with everyone. Maybe someday...

Connie said... fine wine, eh???

Pretty bathroom.

Have fun - say hi to your cousin when you get a chance, and save some stuff for the other shoppers!


Celestina Marie said...

WOW I love your bathroom and your gorgeous decorating. We have the glass block window wall too at the tub and really enjoy this feature. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. I hope you have a great time away too. Thank you for stopping by my anniversary post and giveaway. I am touched by your kind words.
See you again soon.
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose

Kelli said...

What a gorgeous bathroom! You have a great eye for decorating and adding lots of lovely touches to a room!

Missy Wertz said...

Beautiful beaufiful bathroom C. I never get tired of looking at it.

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