Monday, August 4, 2008

Home Tour

Welcome to our home!

Hooked On Houses is hosting a tour of homes on Tuesday.


The Berry's Patch said...

Your house is beautiful Ceekay! I love all the decorative touches. What a cute idea with the slide show.

Brandee :-)

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Yes...very clever with the slide show!Enjoyed it!!

This house tour stuff is fun fun (tring to get a few in before the big crunch!)

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Wow! A slide show? I think you're the first one in the blog party to do something that fancy! How fun.

Your home is lovely, Ceekay! Thank you so much for giving us the tour. I enjoyed it. -Julia :-)

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful home Ceekay! I am so glad I found your blog again. That's it. I am adding you to my favorites right now :>)

{oc cottage} said...

Too fun!

M ^..^

Charlotte said...

This is so neat. Your home is beautiful. Looked like so much fun I decided to do it too.

Quirky Cottage Owners said...

I love your bathroom and your bedroom looks so peaceful. The slide show was a stroke of genius.
I like your U.S. map at the bottom of your page. How did you do all that traveling and missed Arkansas? That made me LOL.

Nice to be retired (I'll be soon) but I was sorry to hear that you stopped working because of health reasons.

Back to your house. I love your outdoor spaces as well. Great job. Glad I stopped by.

Ms. Tee said...

what a lovely slide show. :) Your home looks so cozy!

Blogger said...

I love your home :)

Your kitchen rocks!! And I love your chandelier in your dining room...and the candle holder in your bathroom...and your big clock and your cabana...and, and,! Love it all!

Thanks for the tour!

Come by and see my open house if you get a chance, thanks!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding your beautiful home to Julia's tour. Love the slideshow.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Thanks for stopping in Ceekay! We loved the slide show - very fun!! Your bedroom is so pretty! We loved your gorgeous patio - you must use that a lot!! We know what you mean about houses like ours out west...our Aunt (who lived in our home) & Uncle live out in Kansas, and that is one of their biggest complaints - not many old homes out there. We can't imagine such a thing here!
Thanks for stopping in!
Have a great day looking at all of these homes!
Karla & Karrie

Marie Louise said...

Love the slide show! Aren't we high tech ;-) You have a beautiful home - thanks for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

Lovely...I like the evening shots with candle light!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty Ceekay.

Unknown said...

What a lovely home you have Ceekay! I love your style and you have put everything together so tastefully!

CIELO said...

So beautiful.... thank you for the lovely tour--and thanks for stopping by my house in the roses. It's so nice meeting you.


Melissa said...


Your home is so pretty. I especially love your cozy back porch.

Loved the slide show.


Charlotte said...

I enjoyed the tour of your beautiful home. The one shot of your bathroom looks almost exactly like our guest bathroom. The door and knob are exactly like ours.

A Hint of Home said...

Beautiful tour of a beautiful house that beautiful people live in.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Ceekay!

Love the tour of your beautiful home! I especially love your patio furniture! The Empty Nest can be fun!

Thanks for saying hello today! Sorry if those Peanut Butter Cup Cookies made you go a liitle crazy...heehee!


Marie said...

The slide show was fun! Great idea. You have a beautiful home!!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic patio! Love the "tent." Looks like a great place to kick back and relax.

Thanks for sharing that!

Tara (Random Acts of Home Decor)

Kathy said...

Your home and presentation of it are just as classy as ever!
XOXO Kathy

Abbreviated said...

Thanks for the tour !

Melissa said...


I spent all afternoon moving furniture around. I must have been inspired.

I will post pictures soon.

Truly, your home is very pretty and cozy.


Gone said...

Love the tour, Ceekay!!

Thanks for visiting me, too!


Shannon said...

Love the slide show!

You just come on over and we will go to Oops!!

Shirl said...

Hi thank you for stopping by. I love your home, I collect tins too, we have some of the same. Your blog is adorable I will be sure to stop back. Those mugs that I get made up at Walmart make wonderful gifts with children or pets on them.
Blessings, SHirl
Shirls ROse Cottage

Unknown said...

Hi Ceekay,
Your home is lovely! I really like your taste. You have it all pulled together!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Ceekay, Love the video tour of your home! It is beautiful, especially your kitchen!

Hugs, Rhonda :)

Anonymous said...

Your slideshow was great!!! I really enjoyed visiting your beautiful home!

nikkicrumpet said...


Thanks so much for visiting my new blog. I'm just getting started and learning so much. Having new visitors just tickles me! Your home is beautiful and I loved the fancy slide show...very cool. I'm sure I'll be visiting your place often!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I love that striped lounger on your porch! I've never seen anything like it.

Thanks for stopping by my place, too. :-)

cherry said...

Wow very pretty! I don't believe I have ever been here but glad I found you. We have the same sidebars on our blogs. I love all your ole tins on top of your cabs. cherry

Alice said...

You have a warm and beautiful home, Ceekay. I love seeing all the details and I'm taking notes!

Sue said...

Hi Ceekay,
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. You have a beautiful home. It is so nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Ceekay, I wanted to see your slide show and I couldn't figure out what to do. I love your porch. I will get help and try later. I should confess that I am so computer challenged and hardly ever touched one until I started blogging in May, 2008. I.m improving though. Smile.

Thanks for your visit today. I told my husband I would sell it if I am ever hungry. I hope I'm never that hungry. Smile!!


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