There is a wonderful new blog, Susan at
Between Naps on the Porch, and she is hosting Tablescape Tuesday. I have to apologize to all my regular blog readers that these pictures I have posted before. I had every intention of doing a new tablescape for today, but ended up being away from home all day yesterday and now today I am kinda tired. But I wanted to participate and maybe someone in blogland will enjoy seeing them.

This table I did at my friend Candy's home for our black and white tea. The picture actually was taken in color, but it looks all black and white.

This was my valentines table. The plates and napkins were from Target.

This is one of my Christmas tablescapes. I use this between Christmas and New Years.

Easter. Again, Target plates. Placemats were from our grocery store. And if you can see the glasses. Everyone loves those glasses and thinks they are antiques. Nope, Dollar Tree. And as my husband would add right here....a dollar!

This is such a fun table. I used my china. It was for a few ladies last summer. The chairs are picture frames. I put their names in them. I glued daisies to small grapevine wreathes for the napkin wreaths because my china has daisies on them. The centerpiece was all flowers and flip flop candles and outdoor things. Why not outside? Well, it probably was 110 degrees!

I had to show my beautiful tea set that my husband bought for me. I think next time I put it out I will use a burgandy tablecloth. But I just used white with cream accents.

This is another all white tablescape. I love those placemats!

Patriotic. BTW, next year, I have a brand spanking new tea pot to add to the table. Cracker Barrel clearance....$4.00.
Well, that is all the pictures I could find today. Hope you all are having a good week...
Do you own a storage facility you haven't told me about?
Where do you keep all this stuff.
Pretty as can be.
My tabletop is called "Mess d'LaRayne" and it's currently unavailable for viewing.
Love ya,
Hi Ceekay!
I'm just catching up on my blog friends and thought I'd stop by for a visit!! I LOVE that you repeated ALL your tablescapes in one post--you are very creative and FUN!!
Hey! Steve and I are going to Vegas in Oct with friends and seeing Phantom, too!! It was fun reading about your experience...we'll be sitting a little bit behind the chandy--can't wait! (It'll be our third time seeing it, but haven't seen it in Vegas..)
Your tablescapes are all very stunning. You always do a great job with them.
Hi Ceekay! Oh, I've loved your tablescapes! and so many!! I think this idea from Susan is a great one! Oh, you have a Mr. Precious too buying that beautiful tea set!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I, also am anau ovarian cancer survivor. I had bi-lateral ovarian tumors weighing over 10# removed by surgery in 1976. Please go to the site listed below and pay close attention to the words at the end.
Love your site, BTW.
What pretty dishes you have! You set beautiful tables. I think you have a lovely blog!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Ohhhh very pretty...where do store everything. that would be my problem. love the 4th of July. cherry
What can I say? I only posted one set. Wait until next Tuesday.Susan has started a tablescape olympics. She may have created some dish monsters!lol
Love your spread!
Hi! Your tablescapes are AWESOME btw,...I've never seen them so I really enjoyed your posting! :-) I'm not guite sure what is going on with RMS but I noticed, and several other folks have told me, that they can't pull folks up by searching by their names. I gave up after I tried to find someone the other day. My name at RMS is:
moonlightandmagnolias. If you can't pull it up...try this. Go to the "Porch" category. Click on the top rated category and my porch may still be somewhere in the first few pages, I think. Just click on the pic of my porch and you can see my other postings from there...hope that helps. Thanks so much for participating in the fun today! Hope you will again next Tuesday! :-) Susan
You are so creative! I love your tablescapes. Thank you for sharing with all tablescape lovers!
Darling...I think I might need to get in on this table Tuesday!
M ^..^
You really have quite the flair. All of your tables are very creative. I thought the little lawn chairs idea was so cute! ~ Robyn
Wow, they all look great. You not only know how to shop, you know how to put together tablescapes. Mine never turn out that cute. What is your secret? Cute stuff! What a great idea using the picture frames for place settings.
You have some very nice tablescapes, it is alway fun to find another "dish person" LOL
Your tablescapes are beautiful! I love the snowmen and the all white. So pretty!
Hi, just wanted to drop back in to answer your question about how many dishes I buy. Generally only 4 sets, but if I really love something and feel I will use the setting alot, then I buy 8 or more. I do love dishes sigh... LOL
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog
Hugs, Judith
Ceekay you are so talented!
I love your tablescapes! You have a real talent with that! I just wanted to tell you a spoke of you on my post today regarding the song tag. Now, I just recently did that, but I still shared your tag. Dana
Hi Ceekay! Yes, we may have walked right past each other! Isn't that funny!! I love going to the Bellagio and looking at the pretties! We've stayed there a few times and I really like it.
Hope you've had a wonderful day!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
All of your tables are decorated so lovely.
You are, after all, the queen of tablescapes for good reason! Of course there's a gorgeous table for every occasion!
XOXO Kathy
I love all the table settings -- very clever and so festive.
Boy....did I chuckle at the DIVA post. The vision was too much.
Hi Ceekay,
Thanks for stopping by for the loooong visit, I'm glad you found me and I found you now! Love all your tablescapes, I especially love the Easter one.
That is so neat! I love your tablesettings!
I love all your tablescapes!!! They are so pretty! :) The first is my fave!!! :)
What a neat meme. I loved seeing all your tablescapes.
That is what I have been wanting to do for Show and Tell.
That is why I did the dishes today.
I can't wait till I get a good camera again.
Your tablescapes are really pretty and very creative.
Thanks for sharing them.
Hi Ceekay! Thanks for sharing your tablescape pictures. I know I have seen them before but this time I jotted down your blog name so I can look at them again when I need some great ideas for decorating my table....I hope you don't mind me being a copycat.
:-) Debbi
Debbie...I don't know how to contact you, but please feel free to copy any of my tablescape designs. Copying is the greatest form of flattery.
Hi Ceekay, I love the tablescapes! You do a great job! Blessings, Nancy
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