MY LIST of Favorite Songs
1.Always and Forever – Luther Vandross My husband and I have our saying, One life, One love, Always and Forever. He found this song for us while I was ill and we always stop and listen to it at least once every week.
2.Lord, I Lift Your Name on High – I LOVE this chorus. I love to sing His praises, I’m so glad you’re in my life, I’m so glad you came to save us. LOVE IT! This is the song of my heart.
3.My Sweet Lady – John Denver - Hubby sang this song to me many many times after we lost our first baby.
4.Trust and Obey – I remember my Grandpa singing this song as I was growing up.
5.About the Cross – Gold City. This is just an amazing song about the Blood and the Cross. My husband and I both just cry every time we hear it.
6.Woman – John Lennon. I love this love song. He really speaks to how we hardly can express our love to each other.
7.I Can Only Imagine – This has become more sweeter to me after this cancer thing….gives me hope and strength to face the future that I KNOW I have in Heaven.
8.The Way You Kiss – Faith Hill - If I ever do Karoke this is it. I just think this is such a cute song. Hubby knows to turn it loud when it comes on the radio!
9.Unchained Melody – This is what we would have danced to at our wedding back in the day!
10. Forever Young – Rod Stewart….ooooh, I love Rod Stewart. This song is so precious with all the things he wishes, like I do for my children.
11. ok, 1 more….Can’t Smile Without You – Barry Manilow A good young married in the 70’s love song….put In the 8-track and pump it up! (Have to insert this here....saw him in concert...AMAZING!
These are not all my favorites...I love the Dixie Chicks, I love that new song that talks about the cheating boyfriend - and I don't know why and my husband always gives me the eyebrow with that one, but I like it. (See, I told you I don't know titles!!) I love so many of the old hymns and we don't hear them enough anymore. Then, Kathy girlfriend....we will have to do this again at Christmas...that is a whole nother list!
Welcome back Ceekay. Can't wait to hear about your trip. I was having a hard time with the scheduled posts too. I figured out that you have to press "publish post" after you select your date and time. Hope this helps.
Brandee :-)
Welcome back! I'm so glad to read that you had a wonderful time. I enjoyed reading your favorite songs. I too miss the favorite old hymns. I never know the ones we sing at services these days.
Good job! I would have a hard time picking 10, too.
Hi Ceekay!! Isn't that something? We were Vegasing at the same time. We moved on in three days and stayed at the Monte Carlo. The Venetian is so beautiful, isn't it? We wandered on over to look at the new Palazzo. I just can't over all of the beautifulness in that city!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I have a list started and would love to share with you soon! I think the Christmas song list is a wonderful idea - I will participate in that one too!
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