Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Titanic Candy Dish

I wish I could remember, but someone spoke about Titanic memorabilia, so I thought about my trip to the exhibit. I went several years ago, but I still remember the awe of seeing things from so long ago, years in the ocean, and still looking pretty good. When you enter you are given a passenger name and at the end you see if you survived the sinking. Surprisingly to me, I DID!
I purchased this candy dish. It is a replica of one of the patterns of dishes from the ship.
Above picture is looking into dish.
This is the stamp on the bottom.
I really enjoy looking at this from time to time and remembering the Titanic exhibit.


Angie said...

that is pretty! my son is fascinated by the titanic. he always wants to read about it and watch shows about it. it is a very interesting tale....


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

How neat! It was probably Nikki at Scarlett Rose Garden who talked about the Titanic.


Alice said...

I'm so glad you survived the Titanic! :) The movie hasn't been on cable for the longest time. I wish they'd bring it back again.

A Hint of Home said...

That is such a neat piece to have. I've never seen it before.
I wish I had gotten a piece like that from the exhibit when I was there. Maybe next time.

Kathy said...

That's a pretty piece, C. We went to that exhibit when it came to us too. Our Julie had always been facinated with the Titanic so went with her. I didn't know you had that little candy dish - very nice post!
XOXO Kathy

Charlotte said...

What a wonderful treasure. I've always been so interested in the Titanic. I'm glad you shared,

Anonymous said...

That is really a pretty dish. I'm so glad you survivied the Titanic!Blogland would not be the same without you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Your candy dish is very pretty as well is your story :)

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

How cute! I don't remember seeing one of these before! I have a few teacups and saucers... including a 3rd class repro.
Thanks for sharing!

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