Thursday, July 17, 2008

Show & Tell - Our Main Bath

Of all the rooms in my home, if I ever moved I would miss would surprisingly be our main bath. A new home could have bigger bedrooms, a formal dining room, maybe even duel masters...but I love the size of this main bath and that it has double sinks. When we were planning our move into this home, telling friends of my decorating plans, they all were shocked that I was doing the room black and gold. I think they had visions of Vegas or something. However, now it is one of the rooms guest comment the most about.

I don't think a play by play tour is necessary....

I have coordinating prints of this one on top of another. I lean toward graphic art.+
The plaque above the towels is a modern version of the Fruit of the Spirit.

When you come to visit our home, you will get to see it in real!
Please go to There's No Place Like Home to see more Friday Show and Tell!


Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Stunning bathroom CeeKay! I love the black and gold...Vegas, that's a good one! I think it's simply lovely, thanks for sharing it with me.

Have a wonderful Friday!
Kathi :)

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

That is a gorgeous main bath! Too pretty to use! ;-)

I hope I get to see it some day! Thanks for sharing!


Kelli said...

Oh it looks nothing like Vegas ;) -what a romantic and gracious room. I love what you've done.

Wanita said...

Your bathroom is beautiful! I love the candelabra on the sink.

Hootin Anni said...

Are you kidding me? Not me...I'm not shocked at all! Guess what...our guest bathroom is black and gold! I even painted the walls black. And one section [the bathroom of ours is actually two separate rooms --one where the shower and toilet is...and the other room divided by a sliding door is the vanity and's all done is gold and black fiber wallpaper.

Yours is gorgeous!!! I love black when decorating.

My show n tell is about my favorite author today. Hope you can find time to stop by! And there is a link left at the bottom -- for a gift for you.

Happy Friday.

A Hint of Home said...

It is beautiful! I can attest to that, having used it in person. Great decorating!

Alice said...

Oh, how pretty and very elegant! One of my bathrooms is black and pink--left over from the previous owners' idea of what Victorian is. I'd swap for yours in a minute. :)

Anonymous said...

I can see how, at first mention, black and gold sounds like an unusual choice, but this is beautiful and very tastefully done. I would LOVE to have double sinks!!

Anonymous said...


It turned out so pretty - so posh-looking! You did a great job.

The Proverbs Wife said...

I love the set up of your bathroom. The colors are great and the decorations are lovely.

Jean said...

Beautiful room! Love the shower curtain.

Kathy said...

It is a gorgeous room, C. Ladies it is even more beautiful in person. CeeKay and her Hubby are the hosts with the most!
Kathy (

Kelli said...

Your bathroom is beautiful! I love the black and gold!

Anonymous said...

Love your bathroom Ceekay. Girl, you need your own computer and desk! This blogging thing is important. ;-)


Carrie said...

Your bathroom is really beautiful. When you follow your own taste, your decor turns out very well, as your friends confirm.

Charlotte said...

I would have never thought to decorate a bathroom those colors, but it is beautiful. The lights are almost just like ours except ours are facing down. We replaced the old strip of bulbs that came with the house a few years ago. Made a big difference.

Susan said...

Truly a beautiful, elegant bathroom.


I am a big fan of black accents,
I like the black & gold together.
No Vegas here, it looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos of a lovely room. I love your taste and sense of style!

Anonymous said...

Now thats one nice bathroom... Susie h~

Anonymous said...

I like the color choices and all of your special touches.
Mama Bear

Julie said...

WOW!! It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Julie

Tammy said...

Your bathroom looks so elegant and beautiful...I think I'd want to take a long bath in there and not come out for hours!


Anonymous said...

Your bath is very elegant. Looks to be right out of the pages of a decorating magazine. I love those colors together!

Julieann said...

Your bathroom is just beautiful. I sooo understand what you mean--I so miss our bathroom in our last home. I do have a question--you say this is your *Main* bath--how do you keep it looking so perfect---my bathroom in my bedroom--which is *suppossed* to be just for me and hubby seems to attract everyone--and I am constantly having to tidy it up--what is your secret?


Missy Wertz said...

The bath is just beautiful and elegant.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Wow, how luxurious it looks! I like the prints a bunch!
What was your inspiration for going with such a bold color scheme? I don't think I could be that brave, but it does look fab !

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

This room is stunning! I love it, well done.

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