Monday, July 28, 2008

Tuesday Thoughts

It is Tuesday and nothing too much exciting has been going on here. I know I have said it before, but it is very hot. When it is over 100 days in and days out it sort of sucks the energy out of a person. Usually I enjoy our Monday run around days, but yesterday, we just went to my doctor appointment and came home. Air conditioning...a blessing! I did get a good report again, praise the Lord, so I will be able to continue my blog. I don't know if you are excited about that, but I am!!!

I don't believe I ever posted about my kitchen. I really should do this for show and tell, so I will just show a couple pictures here and maybe finish on Friday. Our kitchen is not extremely large. Perfect for hubby and me, considering, like I know I have mentioned before, making reservations is my prefered way of cooking!!

My cupboards do not have a soffit, which I am glad because I am so partial to 30s and 40s kitchen items. Several items in the above picture are favorite items...more of them!!

The green pitcher with the greenery was my grandma's. My mom said they used it occasionally for milk. The bowl also was grandma's, then my mom's. It is from the Jewel Tea company and they used it for mixing coffee cake. The spice chest above the bowl, my husband bought at an auction. Oh, I just have to tell the story.....

We were at a farm auction. I stayed with the household items and he went to the farm implements. A little while later he comes carrying this box to me. Apparently he tried to get a milk paint one, but it went so high he dropped out, but then this one came up. I am sure they were in the barn to hold nails or something. It was missing a drawer. Well, several men tried to buy it from him but my husband said no. He told me later he kinda figured I might like it. Of course, you know it is precious to me.

One more little story, I promise. (Just imagine what it would be like if you were here in person!) The glasses I purchased at another garage sale Many years ago. One time DH was at another sale with me and he came up and said I think this is a holder for those glasses like you bought. He was right!

The box to the right was given to me by a friend 15 years ago...Just to the left you can see the old toaster. It was my aunts and we used it up at the cottage. Oh, I can barely contain myself here. I am so thankful to have these bits and pieces of the past. I will ramble more on Friday....I guess I should take a breath!


The Berry's Patch said...


You have so many great treasures with so many stories behind them. Your DH sounds like such a wonderful man.

Your right, the weather is so hot. Just think, we still have August. All this monsoon weather that we keep getting...we don't get a lick of rain where we live.

Brandee :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ceekay! I'm so glad to hear you had a good report from your doctor! Well, I wish Ii had that kind of space above my cabinets - I just love all the old vintage things you've placed on yours. It's hot here too and I just don't do well in heat. I start to swell up - hands and feet - hate it!
Well, crank up the AC and be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Myrna said...

You weren't rambling--I LOVED your stories behind the things you have--that's what makes them so much more special!!
Your hubby sounds like a sweetie!
Glad to hear of good reports from your doctor!!
Looking forward to more kitchen pics...and stories!! ;-)

Happy@Home said...

Congratulations on your good report from the Dr. That is very exciting news!!
I enjoyed seeing the cool things you have displayed on the top of your cupboards. I especially like the little spice chest and what a great story about how your DH got it.

Have a great week,

Happy@Home said...

Hi Ceekay,
With regards to the msg. you left on my blog, did you used to live in Michigan? Just wondering because that is where I was born & raised.


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ceekay, so nice to see you today. So glad your doctor appt. went well. I so enjoyed your show and tell and the sweet stories! Your dh sounds like mine. My mother had those same glasses when I was growing up.
We are very hot here too. Over 100the last week with no rain in sight! Congrats on your 35 years too. Ours will be Aug.11th. How about you?
Love your kitchen,can't wait to see more. We have similar cabinets.
Have a great week.
Blessings, Celestina
la rea rose

Kathy said...

All lovely things, C, most of all your memories.
XOXO to my friend,

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I'm so thankful for your good report!

I love your kitchen goodies! Neat stories too! I love your "ramblins" and would love to be there in person to hear you, and see all your "stuff!" I love stuff!


Angie said...

i love hearing the story of things....thank you for sharing! what a sweet hubby you have...lucky lady! so glad that you got good news from the the week will just seem so much better!


The Barkers said...

Praise the Lord for your good report yesterday!! How exciting!

A Hint of Home said...

All those things are special but especially the ones from your grandma. I still can picture her in my mind's eye.
Hubby is pretty thoughtful. He pays attention to the things you already have.

We are thrilled with your Dr.'s report!!!!!!

Alice said...

I love it when each item someone has displayed has a story and I'm happy to listen to each one. Thank you for sharing yours.

I'm so glad you had a good report from the doctor and that you're continuing your blog--it's always one of my favorite stops.

Jill said...

Hi Ceekay! Thanks for stopping in and saying hi. I haven't been over here at your house either! What a beautiful blog you have, black and white polka dots are one of my color favorites!

Yes, we are building a house on 25 acres in Missouri. Due to all the rain they had in the spring, building was delayed over three months. We are renting a small, 1,000 sq. ft. cottage in a little town about 15 miles away.

Yes, that's my furniture...dining room set was purchased on Craig's List and most of the other goodies were on clearance. All my accessories were found at garage sales, Goodwill or the curb!

Thanks again for leaving a comment, I really enjoy meeting other gals that are birds of a feather.

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