Mercy me, what a challenge. Cindy at My Romantic Home is hosting Your favorite thing. This cannot be a person, so that leaves my hubby out! I am late on posting this, because honestly, I struggled with what really is my favorite thing. My husband and I have often spoke of what to grab in an emergency...and I would be in a real pinch. I am so sentimental about so many things, it is really hard to pick a favorite. I have family pieces, pictures, memory books, oh, I need to breathe....Ok, that's better.
I finally knew what I wanted to pick. It is my crock butter churn. I have moved several times with this item, and let me tell you, it gets seat belted in the car with blankets all around it. It is not a family piece but I remember clearly the day I bought it. I was a young (er) bride and we went to our first farm auction. I saw this churn and that was it...I was taking it home. I dug my feet in the ground and started bidding. Hubby was behind me getting panicked...he leaned over and said..."How high are you going to go?" Don't know, but it is mine!
Well, I won. It was $40.00 back then, which meant we ate a lot of hot dogs the next week. But it and the memory are definately ONE of my favoite things. For you antique buffs, the paddle is complete. I know that is important.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and I am off to look at some more of your favorite things!
Well that's a nice item to share. I actually made butter with one, back on my grandparents farm years back. Boy did it take a lot of work, and muscle.
Thanks for stopping by today.
O what a special find! I just loved the story behind this too!
That's nice! I been known to seatbelt some treasures in my car too!
Thanks for joining in today!
That is very neat. To have something like that. Very different. Very nice! thanks for stopping by my blog! (:
what a neat churn! i love the story behind it, too..i could almost picture you there...bidding higher and higher while hubby paces frantically behind you...lol!
Hi Ceekay,
I just wanted to let you know that I found the spice rack at Macy's. It's exactly the same as the hotel's. It looks great in my kitchen. Thank you once again for finding it. Can I call you my Fairy Shopping Mother? ;-)
I love your churn and your story!
This is just beautiful! I have several crocks that my mother-in-law gave me that somewhat remind me of your treasure. I love things from days gone by. Very, very nice.
It was well worth having to eat the hotdogs! :)
I love that story!! ;-)
AND the butter churn!!
I definitely appreciate the specialness of your butter churn. I remember only too well the first auctions that we went to when whether or not to spend 25-50 cents on pieces of depression glass or $10-$25 on round oak tables were decisions that we pondered and most often passed on! Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a fabulous day.
What a lovely churn and I just love the story behind it!!
Morning Ceekay! Come by my blog - I have a little award for you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
What a wonderful treasure. Can you imagine having to actually use it though! I love farm auctions, so much more exciting than bidding on eBay.
I love it and what a great story!
I LOVE farm auctions! But I get so nervous and confused while bidding, that I have been known to bid on myself!
What a great butter churn. I've never seen one before. I love things with good stories, and that churn seems to have a good one attached to it.
That's a very nice butter churn, and a lovely memory behind it!
My grandma actually used a butter churn, and we would take turns helping her.
If I remember right, hers was all wooden.
Thanks for sharing!
I love it! I can see why it is one of your favorite things. I also loved your charm bracelets. I have been wearing mine again lately because, as you say, they are making a comback again.
That's a great churn! I have a small one, but it's solid color. It's also in the attic!
Just yesterday in church we were asked that question "What would you rescue from a fire in your house??" Hard question.
What a nice story...I cannot even imagine my husband going to a farm auction, but maybe he would surprise me and go, lol. Not that we have alot of farm auctions in Michigan, at least none that I have ever heard of.
He is actually on a real butter kick...so I will definitely show him your blog later on when he gets home.
I just found you from Rhonda at Scooterblu's Whimsey.
Hope you have a nice day:)
That is so neat! Annie just learned how to make butter right before school ended and had to make several batches LOL
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