Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Didn't Think It Would Be So Much Work!!

Remember I told you I was going to Hobby Lobby Monday. Well, I did...and I saw beautiful candle holders...but I didn't buy any...
Gorgeous serving and decorative dishes...passed them up...
Iron work to drool over...nope, I am strong....
I'll just browse throught the scrapbooking and we can leav....WAIT...
I have seen these before, I want to try that....How hard could a little 6 page album be????
Many, and I mean MANY hours later.....Da Tah!!! I still need a couple of embellishments....and 1 more picture....but it is basically done. You try to cut paper front and back and have it all line up...it looked so simple. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way it turned out, but I was thinking, well wouldn't these be cute Christmas gifts. SORRY, NOPE...this is a one and only.
Tag on the front
One of the phrases I put in the album....
Please note here*** If I ever become famous...and they build a library in my honor...please someone, make sure this is in it!
By the way, stop by Decor to Adore and sign up for her gorgeous give-away. Now I would like to tell you that you really shouldn't bother, cuz it is mine...but, hey, you might as well give it a try...I am not very lucky that way!
Have a good week bloggers!
Update - The finished album is 6X12 inches. It holds about 10 pictures of varying sizes. You don't see the inside, but each page is decorated front and back. Cost is about 20.00 in materials and I am saying that if you have some already you can pick from.


Kathy said...

WOW! You are one crazy scrap bookin' woman!! You have way more patience than I do, girl.
Bravo, job well done!!....Kat

Anonymous said...

Hi Ceekay,

Great job on that scrap book. Congratulations on passing up "stuff" at Hobby Lobby. I try to be strong when I'm shopping. Stay focused on what I need. If I see something I have to think about it over night. Well that's what I try to do anyway. It doesn't always work.

Also, I'm heading over to Decor to Adore to enter the contest. If I win something, I'll give it to you. It's just a way to say thanks for finding my clock. The one I'm hoping to buy when it goes on sale.

Brandee :-)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Brandee, you are too sweet. If you met my girlfriends, they would tell you that I missed my calling...I should be a professional shopper. Nothing I love more, and really, do well. I can't wait to hear that you bought your clock! It is pretty cool!

Connie said...

I find that scrapbooking anything takes way more time than I planned...but this looks like it would have been a real challenge. Looks great though.

Just think, if you'd never done it, you'd always want to know what it was like to do it. So now you know!!

Really deep, eh?

Decor To Adore said...

Very cute!

Kelli said...

It's beautiful!! You did a wonderful job. I love the scrapbook section at Hobby Lobby. :0)

Anonymous said...


I will remember you next time I'm looking for something I can't find. Do you charge much?

I love the clock too. But if my husband found out I spent over $200 on it I would be in the dog house. (if we had one, dog house that is)

Right now I'm trying to talk him into a new desk. The desk I'm using is a child's desk and I bump my knees constantly on it. I think I've gotten him convinced (we may get it tonight). Of course that clock would look really good over the top of it. I'll try to talk him into that next.

Brandee ;-)

Happy@Home said...

Wow, Ceekay, I am so very impressed.
It may have been a lot of work, but what a beautiful result.
You did a great job!!


Gone said...

Last time I stopped at Hobby Lobby, FABRIC called my name...and I left with 2 full bolts of fabric, to make window treatments for Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen/Pantry (open concept). YEAH!!

Thanks for stopping by...and it really didn't take very long to post all the pix...I have a speedy internet service, I guess.


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Wow! That's beautiful! Can we see the whole album? You do beautiful work!


Alice said...

How pretty! I'm thinking though that once your family and friends see that album, you will be making more.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

The book is one amazing creation!
Great job! ~Rhonda :)

Shan said...


Thank you so much for visiting me over at Honey Hill Farm. I enjoyed your kind comment very much.

Your blog is lovely and I love all your projects...I will have to come by later and continue with the "tour"!

It is so nice to "meet" such a kindred spirit.

Yours truly,
Honey Hill Farm

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