I wondered about what to show today....it is HOT here in AZ and frankly, it is hard to get motivated. And it is only going to get HOTTER. Anyways, I thought I would show my hanky collection. Now I didn't really think I wanted a hanky collection, never really sought a hanky collection, and don't really know how it came to be a collection. But, I have one!
To the best of my knowledge...I THINK this is what happened. I had this cute little box from when I was a teenager. Someone saw it in a drawer when I was married and said...oh, what a cute hanky box. Well, I guess I should put some hankys in it.....fast forward a few years and voila! Hanky collection!

I even have some still in the original boxes...

I love this box....and it says Handkerchiefs....don't hear that too much anymore!

So there you have it! I will fold them up now, put them back in my cute little box and put them away till...????
Hope you enjoyed seeing them. Hmmmm, what other things got in here and have started a collection....I see a little miniature bottle, oh, another one!!!!
What a wonderful collection of hankys! I have several old ones that were my Mom,s. She said her mom always told her girls never to leave the house without their hankys. :)
These hankies are precious! Thanks
for showing us your treasures from
days gone by. I am happy we don't
have to iron Kleenex, hankies always needed to be ironed? right?
Pretty! Oh so pretty.
[I lived in Tucson for about 12 years...ya, I know how hot it can get. And in the summer months?---worse 'cause of the humidity.] Stay cool!
Love the share today.
Happy Show n Tell. Hope you can stop by and see my book collection today.
I loved the ballerina one! Living in the "throw away mentality" that we do, I'll bet my grandkids will wonder what in the world a hanky is?
Hi Ceekay,
Thanks for visiting my blog.
You have a nice collection of hankies and I love the box that got it all started. It's funny how collections get started sometimes, isn't it?
Keep cool and enjoy your weekend.
What a collection. I can't believe you have original boxes. I love the triangle box to keep them in. That is really neat.
Very pretty collection...do you have a favorite one?
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
You have so many different beautiful hankies. They look so fresh and bright. Thank you for sharing them with us!
Very nostalgic!
Gorgeous! I love the stitching and the delicacy of them.
Your hankies are so lovely. While I'm glad we no longer have to wash and iron hankies, I do enjoy see pretty ones like this.
I read your post after working outside in the hot sun so I can sympathize with how you chose your topic.
They are all very pretty!
Old hankies are so dainty--I think I have a few tucked away some place. My mom used them in the old days!!--back in the 50's
I just love that ballerina box for storing all those pretty hankys. It's beautiful!
Hello Ceekay,
Beautiful collection!!! They are so dainty-looking.
Thanks for the lovely comment on my floral arrangements. I didn't keep one per se, because we had to return the pedestals the following business day. But I was able to re-arrange the flowers for the vases I had. So, I actually had a double dose of fun with those flowers.
Those are so neat!! Thanks for sharing. Those are a lost art.
You have a nice collection, and some very unusual ones. My daughter collects vintage hankies, and I'm always on the lookout for them to give to her.
I have never seen a hanky box like that, it is wonderful and yes, you do need a collection to keep in it! Your collection is awesome!
Love your collection! I have one too, but not as extensive as yours. I use mine for napkins at tea parties...
By the way..you've been tagged!
Check out my blog for details..
Your hankies are all so sweet. My mother had drawers full of them and I can remember always carrying one as a little girl.
Your hanky collection is so beautiful!!
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