Today at
Quill Cottage, we are are to share a family heirloom for the last installment of the Laura Ingalls Blog-a-thon. In past posts I have shared my grandfather's Bible, my grandmother's shawl, and a shelf my beloved uncle made me. In talking with my cousin Connie one day we were lamenting that there were not too many OLD heirlooms to be passed down. We believe our grandparents having experienced the depression and war, handed their items when they were finished with them to less fortunate families. But there were a few trinkets. Of course, they began with them as both of them came to America with little more than the clothes on their backs.

My Aunt a few years ago gave me my grandfather's shaving cup and brush. The soap is still in the bottom of the cup. Even after my grandpa used newer razors, he still prefered the old time soap and brush. I was so thrilled to get it.

This old hurricane lamp is the only thing that my husband has passed down from his mother's family. This was part of the old homestead in Kentucky. His mom had it and gave it to me when she knew I loved old things. It is precious to me. The picture next to it is of my husbands grandmother when she was a child. Wish I had the doll she is olding!
The greatest heirloom though I have is the name my family gave me. As I grow older I appreciate so much being part of such a wonderful loving and Biblical based family. I know many have wonderful grandparents and families. My grandparents were people like I have never known since. That heirloom is in my heart.
I want to thank Sandy for her work at doing this blog. Although I didn't participate in all of it, I sure enjoyed all the postings and especially "meeting" Laura Ingalls Gunn.
What a wonderful post and tribute to your family! I think family is the most important thing you can have here on earth, friends too, and I truly treasure every minute I am blessed to spend with them.
All the things that our families pass on to the next generation are so special. Loved your post and the things you featured are such treasures.
You're so right; the best heirlooms are those in our hearts. Your beautiful oil lamp and shaving things are very special though. It must be nice to be able to hold that mug your grandfather held every day.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful family memories. I vaguely remember my great grandfather using such a mug, brush, and razor when I was a small girl. I loved watching him lather up the brush and spread it on his chin. I have enjoyed your posts and participation in the blog-a-thon.
Miss Sandy
Hi Ceekay,
I hope that you are well and received my email last week.
I love your lamp, it's so pretty.
Heirlooms of the heart are the best kind!
My grandfather also used a shaving mug. I remember watching him shave as a little girl and the funny faces he made to make me laugh. I dont have many family heirlooms either, but my memories of the love and faith they passed down to me are priceless.
It's funny that even the simplest things--in my case a table scarf my grandmother had on her beside table--can act as a connection to the past. Such things become a conduit for long forgotten childhood memories. Great post.
Such a sweet post and I enjoyed having a look at your special heirlooms!
You have some wonderful heirlooms! I have my dad's shaving mug and brush too!
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!
I am just getting to visit the other blogathon participants.
I love what you said about your name and family being your greatest heritage!
But the hurricane lamp and shaving cup and brush are really great to have, too.
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