Do you have anything that if you saw it on another blog, or better yet, in person, you would just squeal with delight? Well, I must say that my armoire is one of those items for me. I have shown the outside of it before, but

Never the inside....

I did my best to get some good pics of it... The top shelf on the left has a reproduction hat box with gloves coming out of it...and a victorian style frame with pictures of me in a Victorian production.

this is the hanging side...folded on the bottom I have my quilts. The dress hanging is from a 1940's production I sang in at my can see a 40's type radio frame with my picture in it....the bear is a handmade "tea" bear, a friend gave me for Christmas.

This in on one of the side shelves. It is one of the first gifts my hubby ever gave me when we were dating.

Some shoe hooks...

This is on the other side. There are 3 drawers. The picture is of my mother-in-law when she was a young working woman. That is her marriage certificate on top of an OLD photo album.

The next drawer has the hat and slip from the 40's I wore with the dress. The comb is a reproduction from the Civil War era. The hanky I had in the purse for the play. All my vintage pins are on the little quilted pillow.

Next drawer has my hanky boxes, the purse from the 40's and a vintage looking purse that was a gift.

The bottom shelf has my mother's jewelry dad's pens, grandpa's compass, and a fan I carried in another production that was Victorin era.
I wish I had a pair of old shoes, but otherwise, I am so happy with this. I hope you enjoyed seeing it.
Ohhh, I almost forgot...don't forget about my give-away (previous post)!
Oh, I just love it! All of it! Yes, I would squeal with delight over all the little things in it if I saw it in person. I love the tea bear and quilts and vintage pins and atomizer -- and just all of it!
I love all the antiquities inside! They all are so fitting for such a wonderful piece of furniture!! What a fabulous idea.
Happy Show n Tell Friday...have a great weekend. Stop by if you can find time!
SOOOOOOOOO nostalgic! You ahve some amazing tresures! Thanks for sharing.
I'm definitely squealing here. I love all of the very special treasures you keep in your armoire. Your mother's jewelry box, your father's pens, your grandfather compass, I can't think of anything nicer.
Oh my! Such a beautiful armoire and you have filled it with so many lovely treasures! I love how many of them are passed down from your family members.
Well this is my kind of toy box! :)
Now in regards to your question.
First let me say I was so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I work with the Phoenix chapter of the NOCC (they have a support group, have you been?) September is National Ovarian Cancer awareness month and during that month I use my design skills to work with a few women who are selected to create healing havens in their homes. This experience is always as special for me as it is for the recipient.
Email me at for more information.
Have a blessed day!
Wow, Ceekay.... what treasures you have! I LOVE that armoire!
Thanks for sharing these items with us. I love the Armoire.
Mama Bear
This is great. Sure a wonderful, neat looking inside of the chest.
I love your armoire and all the treasures inside! Lovely! Great Show and Tell!
What a charming Armoire - I love all the wonderful treasures it holds! It brought a smile to my face as I read your comments and viewed the photos. Great Show and Tell!
What a great display of your treasures. Most of my things are packed away in the attic. Almost makes me want to unpack!!!
My goodness. What a treasure. Thanks for sharing.
What lovely treasures! I can just imagine your delight every time you open those doors! Your display is charming!
Those shoe hooks are too cool! Thanks for letting us peek inside!
I love your treasures tucked inside.
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