On the Tea Blog-a-Thon at Gracious Hospitality this week we are to post our tea pots and tell a little bit about them.....

If I were seeing these teapots on another blog, I would be squealing again...but I will try to contain myself since they are mine....I have to insert here that I am so blessed...the Lord knows even teapots put a smile on my face! And the all time winner???

I Know! I love her too! I found her in Las Vegas years ago at the M&M store. She is soooo me!

However, I look more like this is real life! I don't belong to the Red Hatters, but I is one!

This is a new purchase from Home Goods. They just opened one here, and trust me, I cannot go there often. I love that this is a simple cream color.

This is my spring tea pot. I love the lettuce leaves and bunnies. I believe I got it at JoAnns years ago.

This tea set was given to us as a gift 10 years ago for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. I must say, I do use it quite a bit.

A friend one year after gave me the matching children's set. I have used the sugar and creamer when I just have one or two for tea.
I had to start putting in collage or this would go on for a while.....

1. Tea for one from hubby....QVC 2. Cast iron 1 cup tea pot 3. Children's tea service given by a friend - pot plays Tea for Two. 4. Tea for Two set from Renovations Hardware several years ago, now ladies, is this not cute??? 5. New set with bunnies on one side, flowers on the other from Cracker Barrel.
6. The new set my husband just gave me from QVC (he loves shopping on TV!
7. This Peter Rabbit teapot I just bought at an Estate sale, influenced by a friend....8. Bought from Walgreens before Christmas last year - Garden theme....
1. Old, old teapot purchased many years ago in Wisconsin at a garage sale.. 2. My grandma's silver and pink tea pot about 50 years old .................. 3. Teapot with flower pots on top, given by a secret pal about 10 years ago 4. 2 mini tea pots from friends 5. Thomas Kinkade teapot..................6. China hutch teapot 7. Fireplace teapot 8. Thatched roof teapot 9. Smaller teapot with daisies, probably holds 1 cup....
Can one have too many tea pots?? When trying to take all these pictures, I was saying yes! Seriously, there could me more...I am sure you all have some I will love also!!! I think I love teapots so much because when visiting my grandparents, which was at least once a week, they ALWAYS had a cup of tea, with milk and sugar, before bed. I now just look at a teapot and that warm memory comes back. So I know I cannot promise there won't be more teapots.
I want to thank LaTeaDah for the wonderful Blog-a-thon. I have so enjoyed this topic and really am sorry to see it end. I have met so many fellow tea lovers out there and have looked forward to getting to know them through their comments. I hope we will all keep in touch.....until our next cup of tea......Ceekay
Ceekay! Look at all those wonderful teapots girl!! So many different styles and colors. I'm finding it hard to choose a favorite but...I'm a huge Beatrix Potter Fan and that Peter Rabbit one is calling to me. Enjoy your tea and your lovely memories of your grandparents.
Wow! I had no idea you had so many tea pots! Great post, C...Kathy
As I was sitting here drooling over your teapots my husband walked in the room and laughed. I said all dreamy sounding, "I just love looking at teapots." He said, "I know you do, honey. I'd like to take you to the teapot capital of the world."
Your blog entry gave me my fix for the day, but I wish you would go ahead and show what else you have. I never tire of looking.
That M&M chick is the cutest thing! I also love the cream colored teapot with the pretty trim at the top.
You are so blessed to have such a large collection! Thanks for letting us take a peek.
Wow, what a collection! An such a variety of designs. It was fun that you indicated the source of most of them.
What a lovely post! I love all your teapots. The M & M one is adorable! So is the Red Hat teapot. But my favorite is the 'tea for two' with two little teapots that sit side by side. I've never seen one like that before and even in my imagination have never thought of such a thing! It's wonderful!
Thank you so much for participating! I hope you continue to visit Gracious Hospitality and participate in 'events' ahead --- after all, I want to get my money's worth out of the one year subscription to Mr. Linky! And I want to keep in touch with my new tea friends!
The bunny is my favorite.
Yes, yes, show us more! I love that each teapot is different from the next, unique and wonderful. I never tire of seeing the creativity teapot artists put into their designs.
Wow - that is a lot of teapots. What a great collection. I would get more if I had the room. Thanks for all the great pics of them!
WOW, I thought I had quite a lot off teapots (I didn't show them all in my entry), but your collection is like a whole store! Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection with us!
I see you also have a creamy teapot from Homegoods. I bought mine at Home Sense (the Canadian version of Home Goods!)
Love all your teapots..
WOW!!! Awesome collection! Thank you for sharing, it was like walking through tea pot heaven!
What a wonderful and sweet collection you have. I love them all. You have inspired me to start collecting. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Oh MY! You have an amazing assortment of tea pots!
Hi, Miss Sandy here again! Lisa B. of Simply His is going to do a post tomorrow on her blog to help out with the print a post from your blog thing. She left an answer on my blog under the post titled, "Spreadin' the Word About Blurb" I hope this helps you out.
Hi Ceekay,
What a lot of tea pots you have! I like the fact that they're all so whimsical. I have a bunny tea pot almost identical to yours.
Great collection!
I crown you "Queen of Tea Pots!!" You have some great finds there! I love the side-by-side tea pots, haven't seen those!
Darlin', you should join a Red Hat chapter near you! You've got the right look and touch. Perhaps you want to start your own chapter?
Wow! Ceekay - quite a collection you have. I enjoyed looking at all of them!!! Thank you for sharing!
Hi CeeKay!
I'm back to tell you tank you for posting on my blog. I found my little tea cart at an antique mall for $35. It is small and was a bit rickety. I brought it home, tightened the joints with some wood glue, and use it all the time! Keep your eyes open on your shopping jaunts. You never know what you will find!
Wow, what a wonderful collection of teapots! Thanks for sharing.
OMG...I just told Ellen she had a sensational collection, and now you've upped the ante! What a fantastic variety, and so many humorous ones!
What a fabulous collection and each with a great story I'm sure! I'm currently drooling over the Alice and Wonderland set from Stash...maybe someday! lol Great post!
Wow you have wonderful tea everything! Thanks for stopping by Teacups and Ponies to visit, now that I am home for a while I will be getting back to tea "stuff"
I can never get enough, I think it is because tea is such a wonderful ritual. I just found a teapot shaped herb pot, love it. Take care and visit anytime.
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