I hope everyone out in blog land had a wonderful mother's day. I am still trying to get caught up, especially with sleep! A little left over from my chemo is tiredness. I really have to watch how much I do in one day...well, this weekend was a whirlwind. I had a luncheon to go to on Saturday, which was beautiful, however, my daughter ended up in emergency. So I went right after to sit with her. It was nothing serious, but of course, no hurry there. Sunday we went to church and our son joined us. After dinner, he needed to go look at new apartments and wanted us to come along! Sooooo....

First of all, I want to thank Kathy, my dear friend for this precious award. You can visit Kathy

Then I have wanted to post a couple things that I forgot in the last week or so. Charlotte @ At home in Scottsdale posted a vase from her mother. It reminded me of a vase I have from my mom. I know it is from the late 40's when she married.

It is a Hull.

Then after I posted my Initials several posts back, I realized I forgot a few. This is a pillow on our bed.

This K is on the wall of our back patio...

The K is on the floormat by the front door. I like the shadows on this pic!

I have this K banner in our front yard.
Hopefully in the next couple of days I will get my Tea Blog-a-Thon post up! I hope you had a special day with your families. Thank you for all the sweet comments on my post.
Hey girl, you better take it easy, try not to push yourself too much! My husband had chemo and radiation all last year, he still gets fatigue very easier too, it just takes time to overcome all that trauma to your body.
I'm having a hard time keeping up with my blogging (and I don't have the fatigue excuse!) This has been another busy week, does it every stop??
I enjoyed seeing more of your "Ks!" when you get tired of them, send them to me, I can use them too!
Do take care of yourself, rest and relax a bit. But isn't it nice to be needed by your kids. I look forward to your next tea blog-a-thon post.
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