Of course, I cannot think of mother's day without thinking about the other women in my life. My mother was always home and provided such a warm and loving home to come home to. She was a single mom as my dad passed away when I was 9. I know it couldn't have been easy for her. To tell you that I had a wonderful grandmother would only be touching the surface. She was a whirlwind of activity in the home. The whole family gravitated to her home.
My precious Aunt Barb, who just lost her husband of 64 years in January is like a second mom to me. Never a harsh word and always words of encouragement. And of course, my two dearest friends. Rose @ A Hint of Home and Kathy @ Mimi's Garden. Rose is truly like a sister to me. We were young wives, learning as we went and making ends meet. Kathy, a kindred spirit in raising our children and laughing at the silly-ness of life! So as you can see I have been blessed. I know many of you today are also remembering and honoring the wonderful women and children in your life. Enjoy your day!
So sweet...thanks, my friend!
love you...Kathy
Thanks "Sis"! That was a wonderful tribute to all the women close to you. Love Ya!
Happy Mother's Day!
That was really beautiful :)
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.
rue :)
What wonderful women you had in your life. And it sounds like you are a wonderful mother as well. I was so thankful that I could stay home with my children when they were growing up. I can't imagine not being there with them and for them.
Hope your Mother's Day was very special.
Beautiful post. Hope it was a wonderful day for you.
What a beautiful post! What a blessing to have so many special, cherished people in our lives! :)
Ceekay, The pink things with dice on them were soaps...is that not a cute idea??? LOL! They smelled heavenly! Have a great night! :) ~Rhonda
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