Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Photos and Some new little Diva's(?)

Ok, to say I enjoyed having my grandchildren over would be putting it mildly. My grandson, who is six, is getting so much fun to do things with. I decided to have them "make" cookies.

We packed them all up for them to take home.

Cuddles with my two boys....son and grandson.

And our preicous granddaughter.

Oh, Shelia....Look who is a divo??
Teaching them young!

I love this I doing it right grandma?
Hope you day was full of good food and good times.


Stacey said...

You are making memories with those cute little ones. Looks like fun! Hope you all had a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...


A Hint of Home said...

How precious they are. Glad you had the day to make those memories.
Looks like everyone had a good time.

Kathy said...

The pictures are great - and those babies are getting even cuter everytime I see them! You looked adorable too! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day.
I'll call you on Monday...Kathy

Nanette said...

Everyone looks like they had a snuggly good time and treats to take home. Fun!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Such cute grandchildren, and what fun they had with you-a memory all of you will treasure. laurie

Needled Mom said...

What wonderful memories are being made for those little ones. I hope you didn't send ALL the cookies home with them.

Anonymous said...

What precious babies! I LOVE being a Gramma, don't you?
Charlie Brown would be jealous of your tree...that was a cute post.
Sweet Violets

Rattlebridge Farm said...

What adorable children--and what great memories!

Elaine said...

Grandchildren are such a blessing!
Looks like you're making lots of special memories with yours.

Neabear said...

Had to come and visit you after seeing the post on Note Songs about your Bathroom Diva post. So cute. Looks like you are having a blast making memories with your grandchildren. That is the kind of stuff I miss with my granddaughter living across the country from me.

The Barkers said...

Great pictures! It looks like you had a great time making memories. :-)

akawest said...

Baking with the grandchildren, life couldn't get any better. I enjoyed a peak into your world.

Merry Christmas

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