Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Giving Thanks - Day 20

Day 20 - Today I am giving thanks for dear friends. I find as I grow older I cherish long-lasting friendships even more. I feel I have been blessed in life with many friends over the years. Some come and go, as seasons in life. Others, stay for the duration! Anyone who reads our blogs regularly knows that Rose at A Hint of Home and Kathy of Mimi's Garden are two of my dearest and longest friends.

Rose and I grew up in the same church but we really didn't know each other until we were both young brides. Rose and her husband had moved into their first home and were expecting their first baby. My husband and I just seemed to "click" and we have been friends ever since. Keeping in touch like sisters has had its difficulties when there have been moves to various states over the years, but we talk at least once a week, mostly more and try to visit every year or so. If you were around when we do get together, it is like no time has passed.

Kathy and I are also very close. We met years ago when our sons were expected. We grew closer over the years talking about challenges and joys of rearing a family pleasing to the Lord. Kathy and I can call each other and just laugh over one sentence without saying another word! Again, we live across country from each other, but it doesn't really seem to matter!

I have two other friends that are so important in my life - my cousin Connie, who really was like a sister to me when we were growing up. The joy of conversation over family memories is one that is cherished by me. She is such a talented woman and challenges me to cook and scrapbook.

And my dear friend Candy. Our friendship is not long in time, but deep in feeling. Candy was with me from the first day of my cancer diagnosis. We went to the same church and were friendly, but I can tell you, I could depend on her when I needed a real life helping hand. We love to go shopping together and have tea. Days can pass very quickly when hitting as many stores as possible in one afternoon!

Ok, so I know this is a long post and I don't usually do those....but, well, it is my blog and I wanted to!! Please join in at Kelli's for more thanksgiving posts. I hope in reading this you can think about those girlfriends in your life that are really - your sisters!! I am very blessed!


Kathy said...

A beautiful post, C. I'm grateful for our long friendship too!

Anonymous said...

Morning, Ceekay!! Oh, I love the fact you have such a wonderful friend!! And you know I love the Bathroom snap. Thanks!! I'll have you up soon.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

A Hint of Home said...

I think I'm going to cry. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts and memories.
Where have all those years gone?

Heather said...

it's so great to have friendships like yours!

Linda C said...

Friends are the best! Thanks for this post:)
Linda C

LBP said...

What a lovely post. I think as we grow older we learn that life happens too fast and take our friendships more to our hearts. My best friend and I have been close since our sophmore year in high school, 34 years ago.



Lora @ my blessed life said...

There's nothing like great girlfriends!!

Jules said...

One of my best friends is my sister. I thank God for her and for the close friendship we share. My other best friend lives 500 miles away, but we keep in touch just about every week, and when I go up that way to see my family we always get together. I read a quote once, years ago in a Bible Bookstore that has always stuck with me. It says, "Always my sister, Always my friend." I love that quote. thanks for sharing. It brought up my own found memories. :o)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM C... how special to have freinds like that..I have just a few left at my age and to me they are PRICELESS..and the Time does fly when we are together..Thank you so much for coming by today..I have really enjoyed meeting cyber friends here in blogland..thanks agin for taking the Time..hugs and smiles Gloria

Susie Homemaker said...

I am thankful for all of my friends also...old and new...they are the perfect accessory to a wonderful life!


Joyce said...

Oh, what a lovely post! I am glad you stopped by again~ and to see you are still doing your Thankful posts! And, I am glad you are blessed with so many wonderful friends....

Wanita said...

Your post is beautiful! You are so right, we need our girlfriends to see us through. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ceekay ~ first time visitor to your blog, but I've seen your name on comments around the blogosphere before. I'm glad I made my way over to your blog home. I think friends are very special, too, and I'm thankful for my friend who lives closeby but also for my long-distance friends who are faithful to keep in touch.

Melissa Miller said...

You look fabulous! Thank you very much for visiting and your kindness on my red tree. It's always appreciated. ~Melissa :)

Terri Steffes said...

Such a beautiful post. I think giving thanks for friends is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

Ceekay, who is in your Bathroom shot with you? I'll have you up in the morning.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Jenn said...

You have been blessed with some wonderful friendships it seems, that is so nice!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

This is a very sweet post. Thank you for answering my question about how you, Kathy, and Rose know each other.

I'm still in touch with my high school best friend, and I'm still very close with my "young adult" friends (we had our babies together, raised our families together, etc. they were next door neighbors. We live 75 miles apart, but talk almost daily by email!

It's a shame that we have to live so far away from our good friends and family.


Miss Janice said...

Friendship is EVERYTHING! What a nice post.

Alexandra said...

Lovely post. I miss my old girlfriends...we are scattered now.

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