Friday, November 7, 2008

Give Thanks - Day 8 Beautiful Fall

Driving through Michigan this time of year, you see little stands with apples and pumpkins. I love how these just say FALL. My lovely aunt would just chuckle because I would have to stop and take some more pictures! Isn't this funny...I didn't know until today that my shadow was there!

Yum...By the way, I asked if I could buy one of the produce baskets. Uh, that was a NO!

Day 8 - I am thankful for the beautiful seasons and joy of each one the Lord has given to us.


Unknown said...

Hi Ceekay,
I love those baskets too. Cute little produce stand.


Needled Mom said...

It does say "fall" with all the autumn colors.

Anonymous said...

wHAT BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS - even the shadow!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great pictures of fall around here - too bad it didn't last longer LOL it's snowing here now!

Grammy said...

I love your pictures. It is hard to get baskets like that. You have to luck into a yard sale or flea market almost.
Have a great weekend

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