I see all the beautiful patriotic tables....and I have all the "stuff"....but I just don't have the ooomph, as my grandma used to say, to put it out.
I told my hubby the other day, I don't have anything more to blog about....boo hoo, woe is me.
I am sure I will find something! But really, if any of you see my ooomph....tell it to go home to Ceekay!
Ceekay, I think you have lots of ooomph, but you've had to spend it on getting better. That's where it is, and that's where it should be. And besides, you've had some fun posts about your trips and all. We've enjoyed reading them. So rest easy. We're happy campers to see you post when you have oooomph and even when you don't. We love YOU, not your table. ;-)
Sheila :-)
Ooooh, honey, there is always something to blog about! Every day is a new blog topic for me. Life is a blog actually, chick, so get some oooomph in ya and get busy posting.
Maybe it's the day because mine was gone today too! Love ya! :D
Use all your OOMPH to get better.......I am just happy to see you post and say hi!
Hi Ceekay,
I too believe it is kind of an ooomph-less day, maybe week. You have been busy though and I have loved the posts about Tucson. You're not as ooomph-less as you think!
Well it must have left with mine as well! If I see it I will make sure it gets back to you. :)
Hi Ceekay,
I agree with Sheila, I think you've spent all your ooomph getting better; and that's a good thing! I am having a lot of back pain so I've cut way back on my blogging because of it. Sometimes one just needs to take care of one's self. Inspiration will hit you one of these days and you'll know it's the right time. In the meantime, we want you taking care of yourself. We're all thinking of you and wishing you well!
Thank you for your visit, dear lady, and I hope you have a lovely day.
Hi Ceekay--- Just remember that your body has taken a nasty blow. Hopefully, your ooomph will return to normal levels. In the mean time, we appreciate all of your efforts on your blog. It's enjoyable just the way it is. Sally
CeeKay, I've been feeling the same way these past few days.. I'm having a hard time finding Ooomph for doing anything really... It must just be a slump I find myself in I guess.. Hopefully my Oomph will return soon, and I hope you find yours real soon too!
Have a great day and Holiday weekend too!
I saw ooomph and she said she will be back soon! She is just on a mini vacation! lol
Hi Ceekay, you will get it back. Just keep saying that....over and over. Believe me, there are plenty of days I feel this way.
Hope your holiday is wonderful.
Barb ♥
I think we all need a day of rest. I have nothing either. I hope you find yours and when you do will you send mine home too. lol Have a super relaxing weekend. Hugs, Marty
If you find it - would you share some with me! I'm in the same boat! It seems my life is revolving around work these days . . .
Ceekay I was watching a comedy the other day and this fellow was really funny. he did say that people blog about anything. "I brushed my teeth and hair today" and made it sound that we were all idiots. I think that thought came into my head all day. What in the world am I blogging about and for what reason?.For me it is family all over the world. Two of my sons live in other countries. They love the pictures of home and the happenings on the farm. If I miss a day the emails come in pretty quickly! For you I see the beauty in your world. Things you love to enhance, places you love to see. Your blog it wonderful.
Your ooooph is off somewhere with mine. Hopefully they're be back SOON. Don't they know we have things to do*??? *smile*
Hope you're having a wonderful afternoon*! _Ashley*
For all that you have been through, I am amazed at your oomph.
Maybe your oomph has gone on a little vacation so that you can have a relaxing holiday weekend.
After reading some of the stuff people put on these blogs, you need not worry as to what to put. Anything seems to go. You just dwell on getting better and the rest will take care of its self.
I am amazed at how much ooomph you do have! Forget about tables, I didn't do one either this week. I think most of us like just reading updates on our friends.
Hugs, Cindy
I love the way you put that, the oooomph that got up and left. LOL I hope it finds it`s way back to you very soon.
You are just soooo cute! Even when you say you have nothing to write about, you write a fabulous post about it!! laurie
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