Friday, October 23, 2009

My "Giveaway" Wins #1

As I talked about last week, all of a sudden packages started showing up at my home, for me! I was a bit confused, but eventually figured out that Karen from Some Days are Diamonds had figured out a way to have "my own private giveaway win"! You see, I cannot seem to win a giveaway....I always sign up and then congratulate whoever is going to win...cuz, it just won't be me.....Stinker Karen figured she had heard enough of, she arranged for a few of my blogger friends to send me a giveaway win. What fun!
I am starting today with just a few of the items and will finish later this week.

This darling Fall box from Charlotte. Charlotte was one of my very first blogging pals almost 2 years ago....

it was filled with wonderful goodies from the Popcorn Factory. Uh, what I got to taste was delicious...but my husband really believed this was his private giveaway.

Marty sent me this darling Christmas stocking she made. The colors are gorgeous and I love the little tassels. Marty and I have been able to talk in person and that is so much fun....we live fairly close to one another.

those darling tassels!

Connie sent me this darling apron. I can't wait to surprise my grandkids with this see they have aprons here to bake cookies with grandma...but I didn't have an apron!

I have some more lovely gifts to show...coming soon. Right now though I am back to the doctor's office for MORE blood work. Appropriate that it is so close to Halloween....he must be Dracula!!!


Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

How fun and what great blogging buddies!! Can't wait to see your other loot.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh what fun Ceekay. I love all the wonderful things from the Popcorn Factory. It is always soooooo good. So glad you like the Christmas stocking. Your apron is just beautiful. You can cook up a storm in that one. Can't wait to see the rest. So glad you had fun. Hugs, Marty

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Girl your a Winner for sure..Than Karen was a sneaky one ha ha!! I loved all the things you got so far...You see how much the ladies love you girl...You have a Blessed weekend my friend...prayers coming your way...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm clapping for your right now, Ceekay! You finally won!! Ha ha! Lucky girl. Will you share your popcorn??

I love your sense of humor, even when you are going to get stuck...Bless you, sweet lady!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Fun, Ceekay! Love what you got!


Sheila :-)

Stacey said...

How sweet! I'm glad you like the things you've received. :)

Heather said...

ooh very nice! i love the stocking and apron :)

Beth at Aunties said...

YA Hoo! I am so glad your sweet friends were able to show you the love you so deserve. Congratulations and good luck with all...

Anonymous said...

HI Ceekay! Oh, how special! Love your gifts and congratulations! You won! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Four Paws and Co said...

What a great idea & wonderful friends! Congrats on your beautiful gifts.
You're in my thoughts & prayers. ♥ Diane

Salmagundi said...

Hope your veins are holding up for all of that blood work. - Thinking of you!!! How great to have your own private giveaway - what great friends you have. Take care, Sally

Sandra said...

Aw, it's because we all love you Ceekay. :) And yes, that Karen is a sweetie. I think the Lord had this all planned out. It was meant to be for Karen to win so many giveaways because she had said that she was forwarding them to you. :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Happy@Home said...

Leave it to a blogger to come up with this kind and clever idea. Aren't bloggers just the best? What fun things you (and your hubby received.

June said...

Ceekay, this made my day to read about your wins...great friends you have there girl! I love this blog community!

Peggy said...

What a lucky girl!


Nanette said...

That's just so nice! Such wonderful things deserve to be with such a wonderful person!

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

This surprise couldn't happen to a nicer person. I'm glad you are having fun receiving your packages.

Unknown said...

MAN! I think you are a pretty lucky lady!! You've got some friends that really love you! I hope you having a great Saturday!


Kathy said...

Love that darling apron! What fun you've had with your presents - I'm happy for you!

Karen said...

Oh Girl! And I had such fun too!
Ewwwwwww - love what you've shared so far! Marty made that stocking? WOW!
Very fun - and yup - Mark would consider the popcorn pkg his domain also!
HUGS! :)

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Great gifts! They all show a bit of the giver, and are full of love for you!


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