Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, tag it is me! Kathy at Mimi's Garden and Susan at Between Naps On the Porch tagged me for 7 weird or random things about me. Now, I have done something like this before, but I will try to think of 7 different things.

1. I do not like my food to touch one another. I really would like partitioned plates like they have for kids! I absolutely will not eat my dessert on my dinner plate...that is just gross!

2. I missed being Salutatorian in High School by less than a point!

3. I do not like roller coasters!

4. I was named after my grandmother.

5. I always want to win at table games...I can be very competitive.

6. I hate shepherd hook pierced earrings.

7. I really don't like wearing a watch. I do wear one occasionally, but I rather not. comes the hard part. I know a lot of you that I read have done this Tag. So if you have not and you are on my Blog Roll.....Tag you are it!!


Alice said...

Oh, that was fun. I love learning little details about my friends.

Charlotte said...

These are interesting to read. A little more difficult if you're making the list. I haven't done one of these in awhile. Maybe I'll consider myself tagged. I'm thinking about it.
I passed an award on to you today. You can stop by any time to pick it up.
Have a great week.

Shannon said...

Love all your fall decor!!

What are shepherd hooked pierced ears? :)

I will NOT eat my dessert on my dinner plate either! :)

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Those were good ones! I'm with you on the watch...I've even gotten that way about rings lately. And the older I get, the more I worry about germs and icky stuff...wonder what that means? Your mentioning not liking for your food to touch made me think of that. We aren't weird...we're eccentric! Ha! Susan

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ceekay, love reading about your 7 things. I had to laugh because I have some of the same things, like, the dessert on the dinner plate, the roller coasters and I was also named after my grandma. LOL!!
I did this one a while ago, it was fun.
Have a great evening. hugs~~
la rea rose

The Berry's Patch said...

My MIL was just here for 15 days. She couldn't understand why we wouldn't use our dinner plate for desert. I agree, it's just gross. Who wants remnants of smoked salmon in their peach cobbler?

Kathy said...

Oh, didn't I tell you we are going to the fair to ride 7 roller coasters in October?

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